The Augments

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The Augments

In this episode, Dave and Yannick have a guest : Jason Evangelho. He’s a writer for Forbes, a Linux enthusiast, and host of Linux For Everyone. All three of them review The Augments, episode 6 of season 4 of Star Trek Enterprise. Then the team have a chat with Jason about the Enterprise as a whole. Finally, Dave shoots the “seven questions to the guest”.

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Do you think Enterprise could have survived if the third seasons had been different ? Or was it doomed from the beginning ? Leave us a comment on this page !

In this episode


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The review featured in this episode is a modified version of the work done by the team at Memory Alpha and is released under a CC-BY-NC licence, which means you can use it, transform it, and redistribute it as long as you give appropriate credits to us and Memory Alpha, and you don’t use it for commercial business.

The rest of this episode, unless otherwise stated, is released under a CC-BY-SA licence, which means you can do pretty much whatever you want with it, as long as you credit us as the original authors, and if you publish something based on this episode, you have to release it under the same license.

1 thought on “The Augments

  1. CubicleNate

    What a great episode. I would say this about the Augments, they were physically and intellectually superior but emotionally not. Their ability to be introspective and conscientious was greatly overshadowed by their other traits so they were essentially, “imbalanced”. Also, you… someone… was critical on Dr Soong’s “fixing the defects” bit I think that because Soong is a scientist himself he didn’t apply the negative connotation to the term as the rest of us would or as the Augments did. From an engineering perspective, all products have “defects” as it were. It’s far more black and white using that perspective.

    Such a great discussion! Thank you so much.


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