Past Prologue

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Past Prologue
Past Prologue

Once again the guys are flying duo to review Star Trek : Deep Space Nine, season 1, episode 3 : Past Prologue. Or is it episode 2 ? It’s the one produced after the pilot, that’s for sure !

Our backlog of unpublished episodes is getting thinner and we miss our weekly recordings, so there is a great chance that we’ll be back on a weekly basis pretty soon. Stay tuned !

Call to action

Where do you think is Kira’s loyalty ? Bajor ? The resistance ? The Federation ? Or maybe none of the above ? Let us know !

In this episode

  • Yannick’s review of Past Prologue ;
  • Chit-chat about the episode.


Thanks to all our listeners, we are very grateful you chose to spend a little bit of your precious time to listen to our show !


The review featured in this episode is a modified version of the work done by the team at Memory Alpha and is released under a CC-BY-NC licence, which means you can use it, transform it, and redistribute it as long as you give appropriate credits to us and Memory Alpha, and you don’t use it for commercial business.

The rest of this episode is released under a CC-BY-SA licence, which means you can do pretty much whatever you want with it, as long as you credit us as the original authors, and if you publish something based on this episode, you have to release it under the same license.

Emissary, part 2

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Emissary, part 2
Emissary, part 2

After part 1 comes part 2 of Star Trek : Deep Space Nine, season 1, episode 1: Emissary. It’s been two weeks since we recorded part 1, and we are, slowly but surely, processing our backlog !

Call to action

We want to know what you think about those new characters. Who’s your favourite so far ? Who do you already hat ?

In this episode


Thanks to all our listeners, we are very grateful you chose to spend a little bit of your precious time to listen to our show !


The review featured in this episode is a modified version of the work done by the team at Memory Alpha and is released under a CC-BY-NC licence, which means you can use it, transform it, and redistribute it as long as you give appropriate credits to us and Memory Alpha, and you don’t use it for commercial business.

The rest of this episode is released under a CC-BY-SA licence, which means you can do pretty much whatever you want with it, as long as you credit us as the original authors, and if you publish something based on this episode, you have to release it under the same license.

Emissary, part 1

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Emissary, part 1
Emissary, part 1

This week, the team is reviewing part 1 of Star Trek : Deep Space Nine, season 1, episode 1: Emissary. Yes, it was supposed to be Lower Decks. But it isn’t. You’ll have to listen to the show to know why !

Call to action

Are you disappointed that we are not reviewing Lower Decks ? We’re not, but let us know what you think of the latest animated series.

In this episode

  • Yannick’s review of Emissary, part 1 ;
  • Initial thoughts – from Dave – about the series.


Thanks to all our listeners, we are very grateful you chose to spend a little bit of your precious time to listen to our show !


The review featured in this episode is a modified version of the work done by the team at Memory Alpha and is released under a CC-BY-NC licence, which means you can use it, transform it, and redistribute it as long as you give appropriate credits to us and Memory Alpha, and you don’t use it for commercial business.

The rest of this episode is released under a CC-BY-SA licence, which means you can do pretty much whatever you want with it, as long as you credit us as the original authors, and if you publish something based on this episode, you have to release it under the same license.